Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Alternative Banishing Rituals

I have found the normal methods of banishing prescribed both the Golden Dawn and Thelema to be wholly inadequate for my purposes, at least in their original states. I personally practice a unique mix of Chaos Magick with a Hermetic-Lovecraftian twist to it, so I edited the Star Ruby and a Greater ritual of the Pentagram into rites that are aesthetically and spiritually pleasing to me. I call the Star Ruby I've edited The Rite of Lumashi, and the greater Ritual of the Pentagram The Rite of the Watchers. Together these rituals provide an amazing magical barrier, especially when used for elemental or qliphothic workings.

The Rite of Lumashi

Apo Pantos Kakodaimonos
Enlil (touch forehead)
Kia (touch genitals)
Nergal (touch right shoulder)
Marduk (touch left shoulder)
IA! (clasp hands over heart)
imagine a pentagram on the forehead and throw it into existence in the four corners empowering it with the name
bellow LAKHAMU (facing east)
say GULA (facing south)
whisper AKRABU (facing west)
bellow KINGU (facing north)
performing the signs of NOX vibrate the words
form the tau and chant
pro mou Ag (lamas)
opismo mou Badur (Nattig)
epi dexia Anna (Sed)
epartstera Kia (Ustur)
felegi gar peri mou ostar ton pente
kai eh thi sthlhi
oastar ton ex esthke
Enlil (touch forehead)
Kia (touch genitals)
Nergal (touch right shoulder)
Marduk (touch left shoulder)
IA! (clasp hands over heart)
Apo Pantos Kakodaimonos

The Ritual of the Watchers

After completing the Rite of Lumashi anoint thy self with holy oil 
(abramelin, or olive oil will do) and go to the west (turn left)
Strike the bell and cry: (magical word)
Give the threefold signs of the enterer, silence, and Apophis
cry out:
Angels of the seven seals, I command thee, hear your kin and remember!
I (magical name) call upon the foresworn covenants between man and the gods
drag open the seals of the divine prophets so to purge me of my earthly attributes!
(pivit left to face east and perform the sign of the enterer) UTU
(do the same but face west) NANA
(do the same but face north) NEBO
(do the same but face south) INANNA
(pivot to the left to face west)
Angels of the seven seals I command thee!
Release the many faced stewards of light!

(turn 60° to south west and make an inverted pentagram invoking fire) TIAMOT
(turn to North west and do the same) KINGU
(turn to the east and do the same) CTHULHU
Turn 60° to the North east and make an erect pentagram invoking fire) ISTAR
(turn to the south east and do the same) DAGON
(turn to the west and do the same) ABDUL AZRAD
Fall into the first dragon position (on your knees) and forceably say

Ardent and awful on my right
Rage Insanity and Dropsy
The Green Heart Lesion in his city
guards me from behind with Magian Might
Dread Fever and Dementia
War on my left, The Dark Queen's own
Before me shreaks alone
the majesty of Death

For around me in six awful ways
the elder gods watch and wait
while upon the column screams and slays
our dark queen with eleven rays
(magical word)

Rise and ring the bell
give the threefold sign

perform any necessary magical operation
(this is where you would do any other rituals)

when thy operations are complete
Strike the bell and cry: (magical word)
Give the threefold signs of the enterer, silence, and Apophis
cry out:
Angels of the seven seals, I command thee, hear your kin and remember!
I (magical name) call upon the foresworn covenants between man and the gods
drag closed the seals of the divine prophets so to return me my earthly attributes!
(pivit left to face east and perform the sign of the enterer) UTU
(do the same but face west) NANA
(do the same but face north) NEBO
(do the same but face south) INANNA
(pivot to the left to face west)
Angels of the seven seals I command thee!
banish the many faced stewards of light!

For lovely Istar I stroke my breast
and vile Nergal I scream and jest
from the darkness Tiamot calls
to remind me where my soul belongs
Oh wise Kingu I am your thrall
forever waiting for Cthulhu's call
Return to the east
perform the Rite of Lumashi

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