Imagine everything you hate about the world, every bit of darkness, every little piece of filth, shit, rot, every little bit of mold slowly creeping across this feces encrusted planet, and form it into a hollow black sphere. Imagine the sphere becoming like a black hole, devouring all the plagues, famine, all the qliphothic energies that surround every day life and becoming more and more powerful. Now take the most horrific piece of your self and seal it inside the sphere.
This is The Black Egg.
Feed It.
Every day for the sapce of one year take all the frustration, the hate, the dissapointment, the malice, all the things about your day you simply detest feed it to the egg. Make your demon strong. When the time is right, after the space of one year, take the egg to a place like a coffee shop, movie theater, or any other public place filled with people that you detest. Let your demon free; break the egg.
For some the egg must be a tangable item, invested with these energies. for those people make sure the egg is something that can be broken. every time you feed the egg actually give it something, blood, honey, ash, dirt, shit, whatever.
When the only thing left in the world is darkness, the light will begin to shine the brightest. Even the faintest spark will grow to the intensity of an inferno when compared to the deep ebon shade that swallows the earth.
This is The Black Egg.
Feed It.
Every day for the sapce of one year take all the frustration, the hate, the dissapointment, the malice, all the things about your day you simply detest feed it to the egg. Make your demon strong. When the time is right, after the space of one year, take the egg to a place like a coffee shop, movie theater, or any other public place filled with people that you detest. Let your demon free; break the egg.
For some the egg must be a tangable item, invested with these energies. for those people make sure the egg is something that can be broken. every time you feed the egg actually give it something, blood, honey, ash, dirt, shit, whatever.
When the only thing left in the world is darkness, the light will begin to shine the brightest. Even the faintest spark will grow to the intensity of an inferno when compared to the deep ebon shade that swallows the earth.
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