Monday, June 27, 2011

The HGA? A Rant About The Holy Guardian Angel

                I have pondered for a long time upon the subject of what the HGA is, namely, is there a universal HGA, and do we only experience a portion of that universal HGA as our personal HGA. Mouthful, but here is the idea; when we have Knowledge and conversation we become endowed with Sakinah, or the divine radiance. This Sakinah is the mantle, or the divine attribute of the HGA, which becomes present when we have our first genuine experience of the universal HGA. The first genuine experience is a breakthrough, when we arise from the luminary world where we experience the lesser emanation of the HGA  (Dagon) and begin to experience, with limited power to fully conceptualize, the Archetypal HGA (Kutulu). Our limited understanding creates a divide, we perceive this being to be uniquely our own, because on one level it is (we are infected with its light), but on another level it is a universal being.
                So what is the being? This has been the core of my ponderings for a while now, and I believe I have a slight answer. This being seems to be a bridging point between its two parenting energies; Tiamot who is the possibility of everything that can be, and Lumashi the possibility of all that is. When overlapped this creates two energies, one is Kutulu, the archetype of the HGA that is the true will, and the other is the space where Kutulu is able to manifest, the void called Koth.
                Kutulu then is like a wave of green light flowing through the possibility of all that can be (Tiamot) and the possibility of all that is (Lumashi), that wave being the path of the true will. The wave’s light shines into the area that the wave flows through, this is Dagon. Like Gaffriel sent by allah to bring Muhammad to the heavens, Dagon is sent by Kutulu to bring the faithful to R’yleh so the green heart legion may sprout in their souls. When we have our first experience of the HGA we see Dagon, who guides us to the true light. When we experience K&C Dagon brings us to the wave and we become endowed with sakinah, when we venture into the void of Da-ath, we must consume the light to become true elder gods else the light may consume us.  
                So what does this all mean for the magician? What of magick as a whole? Well, to the magician I must point out some elemental associations. For Tiamot to be the possibility of all that can be, the elemental association she would have to carry would be Air. This suggests that Lumashi would be earth, thus switching the relationship of the parental deities from not only each other, but to their children’s energies. Kutulu goes from air to fire, Koth from earth to water, tiamot from water to air, and lakhamu from fire to earth. This is vital for the elemental and god form correspondences of not only the banishing rituals we use, but for the placement and use of enochian tablets.  When placed properly around the Alter the elemental energies create a zone of space that easily channels astral energies for divination and summoning. The placement does not lend itself well to work with elemental intelligences, but does work disturbingly well with most qliphothic energies, and most disturbingly, is excellent for use with enochian intelligences.
                For Magick as a whole I can only say this: any bit of information that helps, helps. Anything that hinders the magick in a person’s life needs to be ignored or destroyed.

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